Coffee is the drink of choice for millions around the globe. Each country, and even each region, can have their own go-to style of coffee. Because of this, there are almost certainly types you haven't tried yet! Vietnamese coffee may fall on that list. In order to bring you the ultimate cà phê sữa đá, we use source single origin specialty premium coffee beans from family farms in Vietnam that practice organic and sustainable methods of farming. Here are five facts about coffee from Vietnam that you may find interesting.
Vietnam is the Second Largest Coffee Producer in the World!
Brazil remains in first place when it comes to international coffee production, but Vietnam is closing the gap faster than anyone expected! In the late 80’s, the country started to cultivate coffee and in just 30 years, Vietnam's market share skyrocketed from 0.1% to 20%! The country is currently focused on quality vs. quantity and as such, we are seeing many smaller family farms sprouting up and delivering very high quality coffee beans.

Vietnamese Coffee Is All About Strong Coffee Flavors Mixed With Sweetness!
Generally speaking, Vietnamese coffee is "dark roasted", meaning it's more bitter than what you may be used to. However, for our Ready to Drink (RTD) coffee products, we choose to offer a medium roast to take away some of that bitterness to allow the drink to be smoother and more flavorful. The typical blend can be 100% or predominantly Robusta, as opposed to the usual Arabica, which lends itself to a stronger flavor from the get-go. Robusta beans contain almost twice as much caffeine, and the flavor packs a big punch.

Vietnam Produces Several Types of Coffee Beans
Vietnam is the world’s largest exporter of Robusta beans. However, most countries drink coffee made from the Arabica bean as opposed to Robusta beans.
Vietnam produces Arabica beans as well, mostly of the Catimor variety from Portugal, which is a cross between Timor & Caturra coffee.
In a more unusual turn of events, you can also find Weasel Coffee and Elephant Coffee in Vietnam. These two types stem from Robusta beans. In fact, that's how they start out! A civet cat or elephant will eat and later expel Robusta beans. The process of digestion is said to give the subsequent beans a smoother, richer taste. As you would imagine, these two varieties are harder to come by, so they can sell for $100s per pound!

You Can Drink Vietnamese Coffee Cold or Hot
As with typical coffee, you can find cold and hot varieties of Vietnamese brews. Many recipes for Vietnamese coffee can be enjoyed at any temperature depending on your preference. Some countries do not have iced coffee options, but that is not the case in Vietnam. It will likely be more challenging to find any kind of latte or cappuccino, as these more elegant drinks are not widely enjoyed. Vietnam's traditional Milk Coffee can be enjoyed hot or cold, as can the plain coffee itself.

The Brewing Process Is Simple & Fun to Make & Watch.
While Vietnamese coffee can be brewed in common coffee pots, the traditional process of using a phin filter is preferred. The phin filter consists of the phin, base, press & lid.The entire device fits over a cup or mug with condensed milk and is simple and fun to make. You add our Mimosa Flower blend ground coffee, even out the grinds, add just enough boiling water to soak the coffee grounds, wait 30 seconds for the coffee to bloom, pour the rest of the water in, and wait for the coffee to brew & drip into the cup/mug, stir, add ice and enjoy! This process can take a few minutes, but it's waste-free and gives a smoother texture and more robust taste. We offer 3 different colored phins for you to choose from, black, gray & gold. If you want the full Vietnamese coffee at home brewing experience, the phin filter is a must-have!

We hope you've learned something new from this article! We offer the highest quality Vietnamese coffee that is perfect for on-the-go enjoyment! Each of our RTD cans combines ethically-sourced, single-origin beans, harvested from family farms in Vietnam’s famed Central Highlands. Our Classic & Matcha cà phê sữa đá RTD cans each have the caffeine of three cups of traditional coffee! If you're looking for a delicious and nutritious way to keep your energy up all day while enjoying the highest quality coffee, look no further. Learn more at